Should gay marriage be legal? It's that a modern question, which a modern an open minded person would say:” Yes, obviously”. Certainly, getting married it's a right that every person has, and shouldn't be refused and the state should guarantee the rights of all people in their human condition. Because the first important and nowaydas slept discrimination law, the second about the state and religion thoughts and the approach of other countrys about this theme.
First, Anti-Discrimination Law now is being passed, just because someone (Daniel Zamudio) died, and it is always the same. Some people say that homosexuality is something horrible and we shouldn't support it, but when someone dies, Is there a change of mind? Is it compared to being gay and killing someone? of course not, but undoubtedly, there are people that say that he deserved that, and they think that it was a lesson. However, I can't find that bad part of being a gay, lesbian or whatever, Which is the lesson that they have to learn. Definitely, society isn't developing, and that's just to be empathetic with others.
Second, Religion and State should be separated. Both have principles based on values but, what about the people that want to live happily and have a family? Homosexuals don't want new or special rights, just the same rights such as anybody else.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that: “Men and women of full age, without limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to have a family”. Nevertheless, there are some people that still saying that homosexual people don't have rights, because they cannot get children. And what about to adopt? Then religion complains about the adoption and how that child will grow up in a horrible enviroment that follow that same steps and become in a desease like the priest Hugo Santiago said: “Homosexuality is a disease that can be cured and treated with doctors and priests." but I think, surely, that to love to someone will never be a desease even a sin.
Third, Denmark 22 years ago, became the first country in the world to legalize gay marriage, and is it supposed that Chile copy good things to the other countries?. Possibly, We could do to enforce the rights are all equally without any distinction seeing and let all be happy, but until now, it's not. In Chile a detective named Cesar Contreras was humiliated and then discharged only for being gay. What is unacceptable? and Why must we judge who deserves to be happy and who doesn't deserve it?
I can't conceive that this law isn't yet acceptable in a century where all is virtual and the equality is a right, where all is so modern but our mind cannot changes. Movilh, ring a bell?, it's an integration movement and gay liberation that it's getting stronger nowadays because the anti-discrimination law, and I feel, personally, that more and more people are more ashamed about the over-moralistic thought about "no and no" to this theme, but it isn't something light, this is about right and happines of people because how do you feel if you can't get married to someone just because it's socially unacceptable?